MonaCoin MONA Mining Groups
All mining pools specified in the list support MonaCoin coin, and provide service and have no problems with withdrawals. Find your closest pool server using ping information. The less value of connection time is better.
There are 2 MONA pools online. And waiting you to join miners' community. To get more information open mining nodes for each website using menu button. This tool was created for many users who can not build a huge mining farm but also want to get profit in mining. Best chance is to connect to any MonaCoin pool.
Be aware of low hashrate pools, they often use same design and it takes a lot of time to get first payment, it can be one week or even one month, look hashrate information at our rating table. Please note that MonaCoin mining pools may change or add nodes without notifying us. Strongly advise you to make a research about admin operator who is behind the pool and visit mining forums to get a reputation of that pool before joining it.
Monacoin (MONA) started as a scrypt-based peer-to-peer payment network and digital currency based on an open source protocol, though it has later on moved to Lyra2REv2 mining algorithm. It was released by the monacoin project and is claiming to be the first Japanese Cryptocurrency.
Website – Block Explorer / Crawler – SPECIFICATIONS • Lyra2REv2 (originally Scrypt until block 450000) • Premine: none • Block time: 1.5 minutes • Subsidy halves in 1051k blocks (~3 years) • Total Coins: 105,120,000 MONA • Block reward: 25 MONA • Retarget: 1 block (Dark Gravity Wave algorithm, hard fork at block 450000) DOWNLOADS – – – Source Code – PORTS • RPC Port: 25535 POOLS – – – – EXCHANGES – – –. Copyright ©2014-2018 - - All About BTC, LTC, ETH mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies. This is a blog for crypto currency miners and users of Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), ZCash (ZEC) and many others. If you find helpful and useful information you can support us by donating altcoins or Bitcoin (BTC) to: 1AxbMZwtcmCByrHiaWwhse5r6ea1YgBwk1 ETH: 0x8d785ff337046444d8afbac169bcb7c0adfb3266 - LTC: LPYFPK7dL1uEtwrAteLmxs7w8Je446gAAJ - ZEC: t1gg5rWxeMBMsyDRMrq5PJdFLiWQ86LGggi.

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