Mining For ZClassic ZCL 2018
Introduction (Zclassic)[] (ZCL) is a code fork of zcash without the 20% fee of the original zcash, this was not a fork of the zcash blockchain. In this tutorial we are going to explain how to mine zclassic. Recently zcl announced that they wil create a hard fork of bitcoin and they will merge it with zcl to create (bitcoin private)[], this caused a big price increase and several miner are switching to mining this coin since it produces good earnings.
Choosing the appropiate zclassic pool There are several zclassic mining pools, we are going to talk about only two (the most used ones): • • We tested another pools but the block overview of those pools were very poor. As today the best mining pool is miningpoolhub since it’s were most of the miner are mining and this pool is fingins around 283 blocks per day.
If you want to choose a mining pool always look at the pool statistics, the will be like this: Why you want to choose a pool that finds blocks? Everytime a block is found the earning will be shared to you. We also tested but we found that our hashrate were lower and miningpooolhub was close to what our miner hashrate. Zclassic mining software The mining software for zclassic is the same software used for zcash, you will only need to chage the pool address. Remember that zcash wallet address are not compatible with zclassic. • For AMD cards we recommend (ClaymoreZECMiner)[].
Rank, Donor, User Name, Sol/s, ZCL/Day, BTC/Day. 11.470, 0.1327. 13, anonymous, 93,705,113, 11.189, 0.1295. 14, ccgmining, 83,759,542, 10.001, 0.1157. 15, anonymous, 83,479,903, 9.968, 0.1153. 259065, DivisionX, 06:15:55, 672,294,862. 259055, anonymous, 06:07:53, 494,656,467.

• For NVIDIA cards we recommend (excavator)[]. For nvidia we recommend excavator since we have too many issues with EWBF miner. In particular we loose mining time since the connection was lost and it was required to press enter in the cmd line. The only way to solve this issue was to use excavator, we event tried the eexit parameter. Here we cover how to use the miner software with miningpoolhub: ClaymoreZECMiner settingsto mine zclassic./zecminer64 -zpool ssl:// -zwal lilszi.test -zpsw password Excavator settings to mine zclassic excavator -a equihash -s:20575 -u lilszi.test -p password -d 2 -ca -ca Wallet generation Check, here we are going to use zlcassic official wallet.
GameCredits GAME Mining Hardware Comparison there. To use this wallet you need to know how to use the command zcash-cli.
This video is the fourth in a series of videos showing you how to mine a single coin with Awesome Miner and Mining Pool Hub. Episode 04 is Zclassic.
This method is not profit switching. For profit switching setup, please refer to this video: Please be sure to adjust the GPU core clock and power settings accordingly to avoid damaging your GPU. Follow this video to adjust your settings: Links: Download AwesomeMiner.
What Is The Fastest PACcoin PAC Miner. Join MiningPoolHub. Zclassic Wallet: ---------- Three Great Cryptocurrency Opportunities: 1. Mine for crypto using your own equipment!
Join MiningPoolHub: Download AwesomeMiner: Watch my tutorial on how to set it up: 2. No equipment? Do cloud mining.