Decred DCR Mining Estimate
In transactions are grouped into blocks. These blocks are validated by PoW miners. When a block is validated it becomes a permanent part of the Decred network.
You can become a miner by dedicating spare computing resources to the network. In return miners are rewarded with Decred. For efficiency and convenience you can join. The pools are groups of miners who share the work and split the reward. Joining a mining pool is an excellent way for smaller contributors to receive consistent payouts for their work.
Using WhatToMine you can check, how profitable it is to mine selected altcoins in comparison to ethereum or bitcoin. 2016-03-17, Calculate Your Expected Profit with the Decred (DCR) Mining Calculator. 2016-03-14, Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 Thermal Images for Ethererum and Decred Mining. 2016-03-08, The Official Decred (DCR) Stake Pool is Now Live. 2016-03-06, Another Java-based Decred Wallet GUI is Now Available.