Write Your Own Hshare HSR Miner
I'm not sure that a guide as basic as you describe is even possible. It depends on what exactly you mean. Mining itself isn't too complicated to read and understand, but writing a start-to-end app that can be used for mining means writing a full node. That is very complicated. Writing a Bitcoin miner from start to end involves not only collecting transactions, calculating the Merkle root, constructing the block header, and the actual hashing/mining, but also verifying the blockchain and each transaction in it, and communicating with peers in the network to get and send blocks and transaction. Some good resources for learning more are the and the. These might include the basics that you are really after. How Much Bandwidth Does MonaCoin MONA Mining Use.
Promote your favorite coin. Have a coin that you like? Sign up to CoinZaa to write your own review. The security of digital currency wallet is your own property security. And be sure to be responsible for your own property safety. Step two: registing the mine account. Nova Mine is the first one who public release HCash. The pool is built by open source mpos system. 1% fee and full 1.0HSR can be automatic.