What Is Decred DCR Farming
Press the 'sign up' button and fill out your name (make sure this is exactly how it's written on your photo ID), email, password and location. Just like a US bank, Coinbase is regulated by the US government, and has to follow strict financial rules.
So they take verifying your identity very seriously. It's a pain, but it does give Coinbase a reputation for being the most trusted way to convert fiat currency to cryptocurrency. To verify your account you must supply a phone number, upload an image of your photo ID and verify a credit/debit card or bank account before you can buy. Click 'Quick buy'.
Jan 20, 2018 - We recently launched a new stakepool: dcr.farm We have two primary goals with this pool: make staking more user-friendly for Decred newcomers provide.
In the first input box, write how much money you want to spend on Bitcoin. Ethereum ETH Miner Server here. In the first drop down menu, select your currency.
For example USD is US dollars, GBP is Great British Pounds etc. Then in the next drop down select the country you're in. If you wish to buy Bitcoin without needing to provide any ID, click the check box beside 'ID not required'. Please note that this may limit the numbers of sellers, and may be a more expensive way to purchase Bitcoin. In the final drop down menu you're given a wide range of buying methods. You can choose to look for sellers that accept Paypal, bank transfers, Amazon gift cards etc. - or just choose to look at all options.
Once you're happy with your selections, press Search. You'll be given a list of sellers matching your criteria. Beside their user names you will see the number of transactions they have done on the site (e.g. 1000) and their feedback (e.g. 100% positive).
You will also see the payment methods they accept, the price they're selling Bitcoin at and any limit to the amount they will sell in one transaction (for example, they might have a lower limit of $50 and an upper limit of $10,000 for a single transaction). Choose which seller you'd like to use and click 'Buy'. On this page, read the terms of trade with your selected user.
Make sure you're happy with them. Pay attention to the opening hours- are they open right now?
Also pay attention to the 'payment window'- this is how long you have to pay after sending the trade request. If you're not ready to send the payment within that time frame, don't continue. Once you are ready, input the amount of Bitcoin you'd like to buy in your chosen currency. You may be limited to a smaller amount as this is your first time using LocalBitcoins- your limit will increase as you get positive feedback. You may choose to write a message to the seller, but this isn't required. Press 'Send trade request'. Depending on the market, your order may be filled immediately (meaning, your Bitcoin was instantly converted to Decred) or your order may be waiting for enough Decred to become available at your chosen price to fulfil your purchase request.
To see if your order is still active, or has been partially filled, click the 'orders' button on the top menu of Bittrex. If your order is showing, you may choose to cancel it and attempt to purchase at a different price, or simply let the order sit to see if it's filled. When your order has been filled- you can proudly say you're the owner of your own Decred! If you're comfortable with it, you could just leave your coins on Bittrex and they would probably be safe. However, exchanges have been hacked in the past, and people have lost coins, so we do recommend you keep them in a personal wallet. Here's how: Click the - (minus) sign beside the Decred wallet and it'll bring up a screen for you to input your withdrawal details.
Put the wallet address that you copied from Decred wallet (in step 9) into the box labelled 'address'. In quantity, we would suggest doing a small test transaction of a couple of coins to be sure everything is working correctly. Press 'withdrawal'. It will take a few minutes for your Decred to transfer.
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Click to expand.The problem at the moment is actually not the DCR price. It is high enough if the DCR network would be at 3-4TH/s, i.e. If only people interested in DCR would mine it, as it was initially. Because these people would sell only part of the mined coins and hold most of them or use them for PoS. However appr. Three weeks ago Claymore published his dual ETH+DCR miner. Since both coins use algos which are somewhat complementary on hardware usage, this miner is mining ETH at full speed and additionally mines a lot of DCR at the same time.
Since ETH difficulty goes up and coin price goes down, ETH miners of which most have no interest in DCR whatsoever use this dual miner now to mine DCR at the same time at no additional cost and therfore get compensated for the decreasing ETH profitability. As most of them will just sell the mined DCR right away, the DCR supply is now higher than the demand. There were always less than 50k DCR for sale on Bittrex. Last time I checked there were 60k.
That obviously doesn't help the price. DCR network is now mostly at 7-8TH/s. Half of this hashrate arrived recently and probably consists entirely of ETH folks dual-mining DCR at no cost.
When you take a look at the DCR pools, you will now often see very long and cryptic names for miners starting with 0x. As far as I know these are ETH addresses. Mining ETH is still much more profitable than mining DCR and now even more so since DCR profitability dropped after many ETH folks co-mine it at no cost and then dump it, pushing the price even lower. I would therefore suggest DCR miners to use the Claymore dual miner as well and mine ETH at full speed.
Profits will be higher than mining only DCR. And at the same time it mines DCR as well at no additional cost. The big slaughter for DCR PoW mining will come later this year or next year, if ETH will really switch to PoS and abandon PoW (they think it will work.). If my back of the envelope estimate is right the ETH network has now the equivalent of 80,000 $500 GPUs hashing.
If all those get jobless and turn their attention to DCR, we will see DCR network go to 200TH/s. Of course only if DCR price will return at least some profit at that huge to be expected difficulty.
Yeah it's kind of hard to calculate an accurate ROI since we're still in the early days.