cd 'Program Files' Tap 'Enter', which should give you a new line saying: C: Program Files>Step 13: cd Into Ethereum Folder Type in: cd eth and then tap Tab, and then Enter. This will take you into the newly installed Ethereum Mining software folder. It should look like this, after tapping Tab: C: Program Files>cd 'Ethereum (++) 0.9.39 (Perhaps the version numbers a the end will differ.) Tapping Enter should give you: C: Program Files Ethereum (++) 0.9.39>This will look slightly different depending on the version!
Step 14: cd Into Release Folder Type in: cd release and tap 'Enter'. This should give you the line as follows: C: Program Files Ethereum (++) 0.9.39 Release>Step 15: GPU mining Type in: ethminer -G and tap 'Enter', and you should then start mining with your GPU (the best way), after building a DAG file, which can take around ten minutes.
There can be problems at this point. For example: • Insufficient Memory The program might say that you have insufficient memory on your Graphics card to mine Ether, with Ethereum's Ethash algorithm. If this is the case, you can still mine with your CPU, or go out and buy a new graphics card! If you get an error message like this, tap Ctrl+ c, to cancel the process. Then you can either retry it, or alternatively, move onto step 16, and mine with your CPU, rather than your GPU.
Step 16 CPU mining Type in: ethminer and tap Enter, and you will start mining with your CPU. Again, you will need to create a DAG file, the first time you do this, which can take some time.
But after that is complete, your 'Geth' program downloaded in step 1 should start talking to your 'ethminer' program, and you should start mining! Please note if the above doesn't work.
The real fun part starts - debugging =/ Good luck!