How Hard Is It To Mine A Peercoin PPC
It would take to mine that as BTC and then exchange it, or 2 TH/s to mine (not counting minting the PPC that you're mining, which is supposed to work out to 1% per year). Cointerra sells a for $3,500. With this $17,500 investment (plus any computers, electricity, maintenance, time, etc. Associated with that), yes, she is mining $200/day on average currently (but ever-decreasing as the difficulty goes up), subject to market volatility. If only one is part of a pool and the rest are solo mining, that means she's taking the chance that she might never get anything of value from those 4 servers. That is a pretty high stakes, if you ask me.
Period, PPC, Rev, Cost, Profit. Hour, 0.1188, $0.44, $0.00, $0.44. Day, 2.8512, $10.51, $0.00, $10.51. Week, 19.9585, $73.54, $0.00, $73.54. Month, 85.5363, $315.17, $0.00, $315.17. Year, 1,040.6912, $3,834.55, $0.00, $3,834.55.