ZClassic ZCL Cloud Mining Calculator
As this is a community driven project, right now the nodes are all run by the community. For example, if you open your wallet and set your router firewall to open port 8133, you become a node (see below for additional instructions)! Right now, only 125 nodes exist on the ZCL network,. This is obviously not enough when thousands of people are trying to get connected from all over the world. Basically, not enough people are opening their wallets and keeping them running to help us with the current increase in scale. FYI: the list is updated daily so give it time to refresh: more nodes will show up!
Mining profitability calculator ZClassic Uses current difficulty data and chooses exchange websites where you will be able to sell coins ZCL with the best exchange rate.
So I ask you to please run the nodes from your computer! I will update the zclassic.conf file daily on the so that we can all connect much better. To use this daily file, please download, edit with notepad and change the username+password. Finally, overwrite the old zclassic.conf in C: Users YOUR-USERNAME AppData Roaming Zclassic with the one you just downloaded.

Our future plans are for an electrum wallet which will no longer require community nodes in order to run. This process costs money to pay for hosting the electrum server and we are working together as a team to figure out the best way to do this. Please be patient with us. Firewall instructions In order to become a full node, you will need to open port 8133 on your router firewall. You can check if your port is open. For me, I was able to do this by navigating my browser to the router setting page and find the advanced settings to open port 8133 and then also set my IP for my computer running the node to static. Fact is that every router is different so I cannot teach you how to do this for your router, you will likely need to google it or search around for the proper settings.
I hope that everyone will take the time to do this so we can fix our connectivity issues asap. I assume all feedback helps. I tried multiple times trying to get a connection and then checked windows firewall settings before seeing this post. Despite checking the boxes to allow access during installation, zdash was unchecked in windows firewall. More specifically, in the firewall settings, both boxes were checked for network type, public and private, but the main box to allow access was not. I checked the box there and got one connection immediately but then it went back to zero. I'll try to open the port mentioned when I get home.
Update: Currently have 8 connections without opening any ports on the router. You only need a static IP from your provider, if you want to host a full node. If you just want to participate you only need to unblock the wallet executable in your local firewall on your computer - at least for me that worked after i pasted all the nodes from the coinexchange link into the config file - but even then took me 30 min for a connection but now im synced.
Maybe we could help the network at that point, if the installer of the wallet would intially downlad parts of the blockchain from a http/ftp server (like the one you can download from Mega)? Mine For SmartCash SMART. I just tried it with the blockchain download from Mega again and got a full sync only 10 minutes after that (catching up 30 days is not that time consuming)! Also forwarding a port directly to your PC should only be done for none-vital computers in a network (place a single one only for that use in a DMZ), because after port-forwarding your computer will be directly accessible form the internet on that port for everyone and thus causes a security risk. Also keep in mind, that it can hamper your internet experience on asymmetric dsl connections, because the upload channel could get really blocked by many ZClassic outbound connection. • • • • • • •. I just realized why I wasn't able to see my zclassic node on. It isn't enough to open a port on your router.
You must also update your zclassic.conf file to include then entry: port=8133. You can add this anywhere in the file. I added it above the list of nodes: rpcuser=change-this rpcpassword=change-this rpcallowip= rpcport=8232 port=8133 addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode=zcl.suprnova.cc addnode=dnsseed.rotorproject.org addnode=dnsseed.zclassic.org • • • • • • •.
The wallet executable - in my case zcashd.exe (for Windows / Linux should be identical just without the exe). The jar-file itself has no connectivity as I understand because it's mainly a graphical frontend. Start_wallet is only a shell script or batch file which calls the zcashd executable as daemon. So you need to unblock the executable file! You don't need to use these scripts anyway, as soon as you start the jar-file it calls those script automatically. You only interact with the jar-file to launch your wallet.
Most important is, that you add ALL the nodes from coinexchange (see link in first post) to your zclassic.conf file - otherwise you won't get any connections. • • • • • • •. Not in my case - at least Windows 10 asked me one time if i wanted to unblock it in the firewall rules. Otherwise if you really don't get any connections it could be your internet provider blocking peer to peer connections. As I noticed, the installer from github installs a jar file with version 0.58 and i couldn't get it to work either. The alternative installation method from the zip file had a jar with version 0.62 in it and that worked from scratch without problems.
Did you execute start_wallet? Is zcashd validating transactions? If you need help, please tell us which operating system you use (Windows/Linux [Kernel]), which installation method you tried and what you zclassic.conf looks like. Has it downloaded the proving keys? I just tested it with my wallet and I got 3 connections after seconds and a full sync after 1 minute. • • • • • • •.
Estimated Expected Cryptocurrency Earnings The estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings are based on a statistical calculation using the values entered and do not account for difficulty and exchange rate fluctuations, stale/reject/orphan rates, and a pool's efficiency. If you are mining using a pool, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on the pool's efficiency, stale/reject/orphan rate, and fees. If you are mining solo, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on your luck and stale/reject/orphan rate. Time Frame ZCL Coins BTC (ZCL/BTC at 0.01136571) USD (BTC at $8,454.20) Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00269555 0.00003064 $0.26 $0.06 $0.00 $0.20 Daily 0.06469315 0.00073528 $6.22 $1.44 $0.00 $4.78 Weekly 0.45285206 0.00514699 $43.51 $10.08 $0.00 $33.43 Monthly 1.94079454 0.02205851 $186.49 $43.20 $0.00 $143.29 Annually 0 0.26837851 $2,268.93 $525.60 $0.00 $1,743.33.