Time To Mine 1 Metaverse ETP ETP
About Metaverse Metaverse is a public blockchain based on the PoW consensus mechanism. Metaverse is committed to providing decentralized services based on asset registration, digital asset exchange, digital identity and value intermediaries in order to build an open ecosystem in which digital value can be circulated freely.
Oct 26, 2017 In this Video I explain how to mine the Metaverse Currency (ETP) Ethash Algorithm. My tips when mining. Metaverse Official Site: Metaverse.
ETP is the token used on Metaverse and can be used to measure the value of smart properties in Metaverse or as collateral in financial transactions. ETP is also used to pay transaction and other fees applied on Metaverse.
Official Website White Paper Address Metaverse Main Net Parameters Parameter Value Unit Total supply 100,000,000 ETP Current circulation 52,244,767 ETP Mining algorithm Improved version of ETHASH - Theoretical block generation time 24 Second Actual block generation time 32 Second ETP mining rewards The initial reward is 3ETP. Mining rewards decrease by 5% every 500,000 blocks ETP/block Algorithm difficulty adjustment Adjust every block(with mo difficulty bomb) - Main net go-live time 2017. Asch XAS Mining Blog. 2.11 - Block Explorer Address Wallet Download Address Metaverse Logo Provide a full-sized Metaverse logo in PNG and SVG format Download address.