Raspberry Pi To Mine DigitalNote XDN
Calculate the profit from mining CryptoNote-based currencies (Bytecoin, Monero, DigitalNote, FantomCoin, QuazarCoin, MonetaVerde, Aeon coin, Dashcoin, Infinium-8) on MinerGate. Please note that it is an estimated amount of cryptocoins you can get. The calculations are based on the current pool fee, 0% bad shares and doesn't account for orphan blocks or uncles. Your profit depends on network difficulty, block reward, transactions amount and fee.
With the recent news that Digitalnote (XDN) is implementing merge mining in an effort to boost the hashrate by basically piggybacking off of Monero, I was wondering if this could lead to some leakage. Mining-pools mining-theory merge-mining. Asked Nov 22 '16 at 20:28. At the moment, probably Monero. Here is a site that you can use for calculating different outputs Mining Calculator Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash and Monero. Input your own. MinerGate (minergate. Invest In Ubiq UBQ Mining. com) lets you “merge mine” it with DigitalNote(XDN) or FantomCoin(FCN). Merge mining means that it mines XDN or FCN. Random Cryptocoin; Feathercoin is an open-source digital currency forked from Litecoin in 2013. The project's main innovation is NeoScrypt, a processor-intensive. May 1, 2017 - FCN (fantomcoin) XDN (digitalnote) You can also mine Ethereum, AEON, DASH and Quazarcoin, but i dont think they will give you any profit. The above coins may also not give you any profit depending on your CPU. N*40 You mined on an ARM device (except Raspberry Pi and smartphone)!
Exchange rates are provided. Calculation is based on the following formula: Reward = ((hashrate * block_reward) / current_difficulty) * (1 - pool_fee) * 3600. Online Cryptonex CNX Miner.