MonaCoin MONA Mining Platforms
Monacoin (MONA) is a decentralized, open-source cryptocurrency forked from Litecoin and propelled in January 2014 in Japan. Contrasted with its parent, the total coin. Newbium is a platform for top crypto-currency. The price of MonaCoin contracted. Hello Folks This is hash result update using 5x GTX 970 for MONA mining.
It seems that the last day MonaCoin (MONA) has exploded in price and profitability for mining as a result, so there is increased interest from miners. So here is a 32-bit Windows binary (CUDA 8.0) of the latest ccMiner 2.2-based fork from Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin () with optimized Lyra2REv2 performance.
The code is based around the ccMiner 2.2 release from tpruvot, but offers faster performance for Lyra2REv2 with up to about 10% (depending on the GPU being used) compared to other publicly available forks. The Lyra2REv2 algorithm is performing very well on Nvidia-based mining rigs, so with the current low altcoin mining profitability you might want to give it a try.
The profitability of VertCoin (VTC) is lower, but still pretty high compared to some other coins and algorithms at the moment, so it is also an alternative as the profit for MONA can start to drop soon. Copyright ©2014-2018 - - All About BTC, LTC, ETH mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies. This is a blog for crypto currency miners and users of Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), ZCash (ZEC) and many others. If you find helpful and useful information you can support us by donating altcoins or Bitcoin (BTC) to: 1AxbMZwtcmCByrHiaWwhse5r6ea1YgBwk1 ETH: 0x8d785ff337046444d8afbac169bcb7c0adfb3266 - LTC: LPYFPK7dL1uEtwrAteLmxs7w8Je446gAAJ - ZEC: t1gg5rWxeMBMsyDRMrq5PJdFLiWQ86LGggi.
Introduction MonaCoin Coin is the first Japanese cryptocurrency. It is particularly successful in the Japanese community, so that there are now shops in the country where Bitcoin and MonaCoin Coin can be paid for. ZClassic ZCL Mining Machine Price on this page. At present, the Japanese company is backed by around USD 800 million and daily coins worth USD 9.6 million are traded. The exchange rate is 14.54 USD per MonaCoin Coin. The currency is traded on Bittrex, Livecoin, Bitbank, Bleutrade, ABwang and Zaif. MonaCoin Coin – The Cryptocurrency As the most widely used cryptocurrency in Japan, MonaCoin Coin has already inspired many users.
Named after a figure called “Lyra”, the developers of Mona called the algorithm for mining the currency Lyra2RE (v2). The block time is 1.5 minutes; as a reward the Miner receives 25 MonaCoin Coins.
There is a total volume of 105,120,000 coins. As a user you can store the coins in the Windows 32- and 64-bit, Linux 32- and 64-bit, Mac OSX 64-bit, Source Code and Android Universal Bitcoin Wallets.
The coins can be used in many different areas, especially in Japan. A website called “monappy” supports the currency. This allows users to send coins to each other when playing online games.
It is also possible for users to upload contributions, such as self-painted pictures, which are then rated with a small donation in MonaCoins. Furthermore, the platform offers an online shop in which users can offer real things and in return are paid with the cryptocurrency. Monappy “also has the function of serving as a wallet, without the user having to download an external wallet. The MonaCoin Coin trend even goes so far that an electronics store in Japan accepts Bitcoin and MonaCoins as means of payment. MonaCoin Coin – The Company MonaCoin Coin was founded in 2013 by Mr. He was then a visitor to the Japanese bulletin board 2-channel. The currency became so popular when it was first shown at WBS TV Network Tokyo and became so popular that a man bought a piece of land in MonaCoin Coin.
Since then, the currency’s trend has been booming. Not only that the currency can be used on “monappy”, but similar to Dogecoin Coin, Twitter users can now show the appreciation of a contribution by Monacoin Coins. In general, the company attaches great importance to the currency being decentralized and limited in a peer-to-peer network to ensure security for the user. The developers behind MonaCoin Coin have also created other platforms as “monappy”: On the website “askmona” you get on the one hand any kind of information about the currency in a forum style, on the other hand you can also send coins to others via the site. On “monadash” interested people get an insight into any statistics of the currency since it has been established on the market.