Mining BURST With Your Pc
5 Burst on their way You will need to download the blockchain before you see the coins sent to you. Heres a quick high level guide 1 - Open your account up a. Get your number b. Setup a name for your account this will be helpful so when your on the pool you can find yourself easy c. Once your done with this set all the information aside in a txt file somewhere. 2 - Start looking for a pool to mine in. I use they are friendly to new miners and have been stable now for 2 months and payouts are faster than quoted.
You want stability. Figure out where you are going to PHYSICALLY mine e.g. Is it on the same computer or another computer. Where you open and store your wallet has no relation to the gear your mining on. I have my wallet on my local home computer and have a rig setup for mining three feet away from me.
If you know your going to join a pool set the reward assignment ahead of time. This will avoid having to wait the 4 blocks any pool asks you to wait for while your plotting your drive. 3 - Get ready to learn and plot your drives a.
Figure out how to plot your drive b. Make sure your drive is optimized from the get go. XPlotter does this for you c.
The number of plots you store is effectively your mining speed. Guides for BURST mining Install the. Solomining with more PCs that point to one PC with. Hi, i am Mining on 2 PC s and using Proxy mode. But my read times are to high because i increased my hdd s. Now i want to use GPU Mining but theire is no Proxy mode. How to stay profitable with BURST mining? February 7, 2015 Ron-Na. Burst mining has the advantage, that a standard computer (or just your desktop) can be used.
Make sure any future plots do not overlap d. While your first drive is plotting, start getting ready your batch file and config file to mine the pool.
4 - Once the plot file is ready, start mining a. Once the plot file is ready you should have ready to go the batch file and the config file for mining the pool you are joining b. To join any pool you must set the reward assignment which is code for you having to pay your way in to join the pool. This is a one time payment but if you switch pools you have to pay to join that new pool. If your limited on burst coins best to stick to one pool until you have earned burst. The pool needs to know who you are and add you to them and they can pay you.
This is done by “SETTING THE REWARD ASSIGNMENT FEATURE” best to use the set reward assignment in the All in One AIO feature in the burst coin download you did. This is why I sent you 5 burst and broken down like this. • 1 burst for the name change • 1 burst for joining the pool ( I think it is one burst) + 1 burst fee • 1 burst for sending a test burst to someone, anyone, (back to me if you like) this will solidify your wallet and demonstrate that you received and have sent at lest one burst. + 1 burst fee • This should leave you with zero burst. 5 - Once you start mining a. On the pool page where your mining on, go to the HISTORIC SHARES window and SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM and find your new name that you gave yourself above or your burst account number. You will be at the bottom because you are new to the pool.
Once you are there over time you will begin climbing the ladder. 6 - Watch this video on how to understand to read a pool page. The concept is the same for all pools. Sorry I just saw your request for the batch file info and the Coins.
Coins - I will not be in front of my system until later this evening EST. So I cannot send until then. I suggest you post your request on the main page of the forum following the guidlines in the big blue box on top and someone my get back to you on that faster. Knc HTMLCOIN HTML Miner.
With regards to the batch file I can help for the mining piece. Are you computer savvy? If you are I can post my batch file for you to copy, I can give you a simple version and a beefed up version that has all the bells and whistles. • Do me a favor and let me know what instruction sets your CPU ALLOWS. Download this program and fire it up and post or type here what instruction sets are allowed. Is is CPU-Z by CPU-ID.
You should see something like AVX, AVX2, SSE, something like that. That will tell us what is the best mining program you can use in your batch file. What pool are you planning to mine on? Once we know this we can move to the next step which is to setup your Config file and you Batch file for mining. Pre-requisites for all this to work are • You have downloaded and synced your wallet to the Burst block chain • You have already plotted your first drive. Make it small like 1TB to get your feet wet. • You will be setting the REWARD assigment for the pool so when you do start mining they recognize you as a new miner.
Thank you for responding so quickly. I’m just excited to get this miner up and running.
Im know my way around a PC so fire away. I currently have 2 systems I’ve been using but plan on making one my main mining rig.
My 2 systems are workstations so they should be able to handle this with no problem. Im also EST so I’ll have to send that info later.
Teamviewer is not allowing connections to my house at the moment. To answer your question im pretty sure my CPU’s can handle AVX2 im unfamiliar with SSE. I have so many little questions: So is it better to have a bunch of smaller plots on one drive? What if a drive starts to fail can you just copy over the plots to a new drive and continue to mine?
I have (4) four TB drives and Im currently making one large plot since this will be my first drive, I thought it would make sense to make it all one big file? Can I plot on one computer and move those plotted drives to a totally different system? This would save me some time. Whats the recommended CPU, RAM, one needs to have a decent rig?
Im thinking about adding a GPU but want to see if I could get this up and running first. This has been a rough ride so far. Answers to your Questions: 1.)Yes, I have synced my local wallet and used 1 Burst coin to change the name and all that Jazz. 2.)Still plotting one large 4tb drive. Thought it would be easier because I plan on using 4TB drives to fill the internal bays up.
3.)I tried but the pool never recognized me. (very strange) I did this twice and lost the 2 coins I had. I waited the recommended 4 blocks but it never worked.
That’s when I decided to replot my drives. So I had to hit the forums begging for Burst change. That’s when I ran across your post and was like damn if I only saw these a few hours ago. I might be mining currently.
Im not sure what pool I would like to mine. I was thinking cryptoguru or, but honestly, I have no clue. Sorry for the delay So is it better to have a bunch of smaller plots on one drive? I can’t say for sure but I have one plot one drive. Works for me well.
I would say stick to that. What if a drive starts to fail can you just copy over the plots to a new drive and continue to mine? If the drive fails I would not trust it and the plot may be corrupt.
I would re-plot if that were the case that one file new on a new drive. I have (4) four TB drives and Im currently making one large plot since this will be my first drive, I thought it would make sense to make it all one big file? One plot file for each drive. DO not do one plot file that will span the four drives. See below on plotting batch file Can I plot on one computer and move those plotted drives to a totally different system?
This would save me some time. Yes Whats the recommended CPU, RAM, one needs to have a decent rig? For plotting I used 12gig to plot with and 6 threads. An 8tb drive takes me 40 hours with my CPU. Your mileage may vary.
CPU I cannot speak to but this is the CPU I have and quite happy with it. Im thinking about adding a GPU but want to see if I could get this up and running first. This has been a rough ride so far. Stay away from anything GPU related until your up and running with CPU.
It is a headache. GPU plotting has no advantages and depending on the program you use you will have to OPTIMIZE the plotted file with another program. That means more time before the plot is ready. Use the Xplotter program.
Advantages are 1. Plots optimized from the get go. No second pass needed 2. Has a great restart feature if you have a pc re-boot for any reason or you loose power during the plot.
It will pick up where you left off but you have to know how to restart it. Xplotter_avx2.exe is 20% faster than AVX version. Proven by me and others Use this batch file to plot. Switch the Avx PROGRAM for the version you can use.
Copy and paste and modify accordingly. Remove the REM for the size drive your going to plot. Get one plot file ready and batch file to mine with going before you do more plots. Every time you start a new drive change the first three numbers of the -sn parameter -sn 00 = Plot 401 -sn 00 = Plot 402 -sn 00 = Plot 403 etc etc etc You get the idea.
That is one 4TB drive plotted as one large file. OK next question what pool should I join?
Also, the batch file you gave would I run that instead of running the build in tool in Qbundle v1.9? I assume I drop the batch file in the Xplotter folder under the Qbundle folder.
So i will be plotting another 4TB drive next. What should it look like?
Does this look correct? (I removed REM, changed the drive letter to F, and added this after -n 15260593, this is where the plot file left off but I added one so the numbers don’t overlap. What is the -t 6 is that how many cores I want to use? Lets stick to plotting for now and answer your questions I don’t think you used the batch file to plot. Thats ok but the batch file has some advantages. This batch file I gave is for PLOTTING ONLY and has no relation to mining.
I would of plotted the file with the batch file by removing the REM for the 4TB file line. You need to also remove the '4TB ' that was part of the comment to show that that line is for a 4TB. If you are going to plot tomorrow say a 1TB file then REM Out the 4TB line and open the 1TB Line. I think you get the idea.
Your first plot file should of looked like this if you used the batch file above. Id_number_2_15260592 translated = Id number_Starting nonce number_number of nonces_chunck (chunck needs more explaining) I don’t want to be anal retentive but if you were to put that PLOT drive down on your desk and picked it up tomorrow and looked at that drive in WINDOWS explorer.
Would you be able to tell that it is a 4TB Plotted file and that it is your FIRST 4TB plot of possibly many more? No you would not. That is why the naming convention is important to help you down the road to tell one plotted file from the other and to also avoid overlaps.
So lets say you were plotting three 4 TB drives. Your plot files would look like this id_number_02_15260592 id_number_02_15260592 (change the 401 to 402 before you start) id_number_02_15260592 (change the 402 to 403 before you start) I may have forgot to mention that before. -t 6 = number of threads you want to use. This depends on your CPU use 4 or 6 depending Read this post on how to plot some more I sent to another member. Get back to me TIPS • Learn how to restart a plot file. I talk about that in the other thread. This will help tremendous • Xplotter program needs to be in the same location as the batch file or make sure the batch program is in the same directory as the xplotter program.
• Practice with a small amount of nonces say 1000 and when ready do the entire drive. • If your plotting on your C: drive (not recommended) then yes you have to set a number for the -n (nonces) up front or the program will fill your drive in one shot. Plotting is the most time confusing part of burst.
Start with a small file to plot and get the practice!!! This sums it up perfectly, I can’t thank you enough. Im going to replot that drive using the batch file you supplied. This is exactly what I was looking for you should put together a tut, sounds like you know this stuff like the back of your hand. I think I will be using this system below to replot my drives: Do something like 15-20 cores and 450 GB mem, give this system something to chew on for awhile. Is there a way I can follow you?
I really can thank you enough!!! So is there a pool you can recommend I would like to get it all setup and research on how to join while my drives are plotting.
WATCH IN HD Getting start With Burst? Learn how to setup your PC for mining Burst. Follow these steps and start making your passive income with only some HDD space GOOD DAY MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Track 01: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library Track 02: Arc North - Meant To Be (feat. Krista Marina) Music provided by Frequency Link: Artists: Arc North Track 03: Vexento - Masked Raver [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds: Download: Artists: Vexento Track 04: Heuse & Zeus x Crona - Pill (feat. Emma Sameth) [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds: Download: Artists: Heuse & Zeus x Crona & Emma Sameth ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬.