Linux Metaverse ETP ETP Miner Rating: 3,7/5 8632reviews

New in version 2.2b: added support for mining Metaverse ETP and Ellasim without DAG switch during devfee; also some small bugfixes. PhoenixMiner is fast (arguably the.

Linux Metaverse ETP ETP Miner

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• Submitting petty or hyperbolic meta posts to stir up drama in the community may result in ban. Message your issues to the modmail or in instead. • If you wish to have your subreddit or website listed in our sidebar, please review our first. If you meet our standards, message the modmail. • See our page for more details.

Monthly Top 10 Market Cap Subreddits Home Subreddits Related Crypto Subreddits Related Tech Subreddits IRC News • • • • • • • Exchanges • • • • • • • • • • • • Mining • • • • • Resources & Tools • • • • • • • • • Our Subreddit Friends • • • •. After buying this promising looking coin on Bitfinex, I tried downloading a wallet to withdraw my tokens. I downloaded the provided wallet to my windows desktop, and was immediately confronted by a windows anti-virus notice warning not to open.

I chose to ignore this warning and installed the wallet and sent a portion of my coins to the wallet. The next day, when I went to check my stash, the wallet had been automatically removed by my windows anti-virus service. It took some time to redownload and reinstall the wallet, yet once again it was automatically taken down by the windows software. I went to their slack to ask for help but received none. After scrolling through their slack today, I noticed some big red flags. Not only are others having problem with the windows wallet, the mac and linux wallets appear to be often unusable.

In addition, the other exchange that offers ETP, Openledger, has been unable to process ETP deposits or withdrawals for over a month. They claim to not be getting any help from the ETP team. What is particularly worrisome is the constant inflow of buys on Openledger. Since the price is slightly lower on Openledger, it likely attracted many arbitragers who tried buying on that exchange and transferring to Bitfinex to sell at a profit.

However, since they post no notice about withdrawals being down and since exchange is so illiquid, there has likely been a constant build up of people over the past month who bought on Openledger but can neither withdraw to Bitfinex nor sell on Openledger at a reasonable price. Please be careful with this coin.

Although it may be a good long term investment, the team seems very unprepared for the attention it has gotten recently. Invest at your own risk. I'm all for ensuring the safety of others and the space we're building.

However, I do struggle to believe a company of their size (200 employees), who are currently in vegas for networking, and have shown off their offices, are a group of people trying to steal coins their own coins. When they could just produce the coins themselves and dump the market.

It's a strong accusation to make without proof. A user downloading the wrong wallet sounds much more plausible than a company of their size, experience and team being a scam.

Monthly moved to the SIDEBAR ------>Getting Started • • • • • Tools • • • • Help & Basics • • • Community Spotlights • Related Subreddits • • • • • • • • • • • Subreddit Posting Rules • Be specific with your title. Posts with titles such as 'Mining Advice' or 'ASUS GTX1070?' Will be removed.

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• All troubleshooting questions must include your pertinent rig information, including but not limited to these 7 factors: GPU, motherboard, PSU, OS, risers, mining software, overclocking specs. • No personal selling of your equipment is permitted. • See Simple Questions Thread.

Do not just post a list of components asking for suggestions. Do not just give a budget asking for suggestions. • If you are promoting a certain website, coin, pool, etc and have affiliation with that product, please disclose it.

You will otherwise be banned for supposed shilling at the discretion of moderators. • Please do your own legwork before looking for handouts. We are a helpful community but are not the place for hand-holding new miners through every step of the process. See the multitude of intro guides for that. Similarly, simple questions belong in the 'Simple Questions' monthly thread.

• As always, keep posts professional and civil. Extensive trolling, profanities and trash posts will not be tolerated. I second the thanks for this.

I don't understand the addresses they give though - if I'm using say, ethminer, how should I enter the stratum address (which I assume is the one I should be using)? Is It Illegal To Mine Siacoin SC. If I just put in the without the stratum+tcp:// included, it says Connected! Starting farm Subscribed to stratum server read_until: End of file Reconnecting in 3 seconds. Pause for 3 s.

And it loops continuously. If I include the stratum+tcp://, it just doesn't find the host. I'm a total noob at this if you couldn't tell. EDIT: might help to mention the command I'm using is: ethminer -S -O M9NBrTNiCsGh9hSCBGadGVXcYztQ2S71yg.johnsmanrig:x -SC 2 -SP 2 -G And I just substituted cryptopoolpond's URL in there.

This was given by fairpool's site and it actually works, but their ping is a little high for me, so rather use yours I guess. • • • • • • •.