How To Mine Vertcoin VTC Profitably Rating: 3,8/5 3359reviews

Hi Folks, Today I'll be showing you how to mine cryptocurrency using graphics card from NVIDIA. The tutorial will feature screenshots so even if you're a newbie, you shouldn't have any problems:) Let's start! We'll start with choosing what coin we will mine. A very helpful website will help us in this task: Here's how the configuration panel looks like: Make sure you have selected the 750Ti or 1070 cards (bottom-right corner) - these are both NVIDIA cards and we will use them as reference even if our GPU is a different model. I have GF 970 so I pick 1070 as a reference. Next click: Calculate.

So another Cryptocurrency has piqued my interest. Vertcoin Vertcoin is very similar to Bitcoin and Litecoin but is ASIC resistant. I looked at the miner Vertcoin. Mining Vertcoin is easy & our. Vertcoin is not controlled by large banks or mining hardware manufacturers and can be mined by anyone profitably.

And here are the results: We can see that at this moment the most profitable coin for NVIDIA cards is the LBRY coin. Currently I am mining Vert coin so for the purpose of this tutorial I will show how to setup the miner for this coin. Yet the process is very similar for every other coin so after this tutorial you should be able to mine any of the coins on the list. We'll start with finding the mine also called 'pool'. The best way to do it is to ask google.

We're looking for pools that have the highest number of active miners as this increases the chance to find the block and give us reward. After some searching I have chosen the. Usually every pool has a 'help' section that will tell you how to set up your miner. But it's always best to ask google for best application to mine. For NVIDIA cars we'll almost always use ccminer for mining. But this app has different versions optimized for different coins. Google to the resuce!.

How To Mine Vertcoin VTC Profitably

First result: And there we have it - on the bottom of the site we have a link to download the application. Now back to the pool - - let's register and login. First we need to add a worker (note that I've got 2 workers for 2 different PCs - if you're using one PC, you'll be fine with just one worker). Now let's go to the help section to see what is the config line for our miner: sgminer --algorithm Lyra2REv2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.workername -p workerpassword We're almost there.

Unpack the miner application that we're downloaded from (great site by the way - you can look there for mine applications for other coins!) Go to the folder where the miner is unpacked. It should look something like this: Now we need to create configuration file that will run the application. Cryptonex CNX Mining Pool Fees here.

Right click ->new ->Text document Name it anyway you want, just make sure it's in the same folder as ccminer. Open the file and paste the config line from miner help section: sgminer --algorithm Lyra2REv2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.workername -p workerpassword Now we need to edit our text file. Firs of all we're not using sgminer, but ccminer so change the command line to look like this: ccminer -a lyra2v2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.workername -p workerpassword And finally type in your login and worker password. So the final command line for me look like this: ccminer -a lyra2v2 -i 18 -o stratum+tcp:// -u cardboard.test -p x where x is the worker password.

One last step before we run our miner. Our command file has.txt extension but it needs.bat extension so we can run it. Make sure your windows shows you file extensions: And change the command file extension to.bat: Now let's run the minner!

Double-click that.bat file like you own it! This is what you should be seeing after a while: If not, the miner will show you an error so you will have a hint what you're doing wrong. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments! Happy mining!