How Many LBRY Credits LBC Miners Are There
I think a lot of people are taking whattomine as gospel. Cuz because it says 'this many coins' doesn't mean that's true. The pool calculates your hashrates per how many valid shares it receives from you and such. Also, the networks hash rate is variable, it's changing every second of the day and can possibly affect your piece of the pie.
Find a pool that pays fair (apparently that means PPLNS), is stable (lots of uptime), and doesn't gouge you on fees. Find an optimal/stable overclock for your rig, and walk away.
The LBRY project is getting alot of hype these days. They have set some rather ambitious goals you can read about it some more over on 's post and you can check out their public pre-release version covered in my pervious article.
Maybe you burned through your free 25 LBC and don't want to buy more or maybe you just like to mine coins whatever the reason LBRY Credits can be mined pretty easily with consumer graphics cards. I'm going to post instructions for using CCMiner on an NVidia graphics card.
If you are interested in an article for AMD graphics cards let me know in the comments. The first thing you need to do is head on over to and download the latest version of if you have any issues extracting the 7z file you can use for free to extract the files to a folder. The next thing you are going to need to do is sign-up to a mining pool. It's pointless to solo mine. There are others but I recommend they are currently offering 0% fees on LBC.
Click on 'My Account' and then click on 'My Workers'. You will need to add a worker for each computer you plan on using. You can mine from several computers to a shared account but each computer needs it's own worker.
Dec 1, 2017 - It is a decentralised platform where users can share their creative videos, movies, ebooks etc. LBRY credits You have to set the amount of LBRY credits that will be charged per stream or download from the consumer. Also, you can. Declines slowly. You can check LBC mining pools from here. Current valuation of LBRY according to and Bittrex is about 400k bitcoins or $250M 400 051 000 LBRY credits x 0.001 BTC; This valuation is about 30 Steems or 1/4 Ethereum or 5 Dashes or 12 Moneros or 25 Bitshares or 5 Storj or 7 SafeNetworks or 25 Sias. There is no paper that clearly explains technology and economic behind.
I recommend just making the username a number like 1 and the password x. Peercoin PPC Minig Calculator here. Buy A Ethereum ETH Miner. The passwords aren't even used anymore so it really doesn't matter. Alright you are now ready to run your miner. Open a command line by pressing the Windows start button and then type: 'cmd' and press enter. Navigate to the folder you stored ccminer in with the CD command: 'cd foldername'. Now you're ready start it up.
Type the command: ccminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.1 -a lbry You should see a screen like this: And that's it! You are now mining LBRY Credits to your Suprnova account. You can withdraw the credits to your LBRY wallet and track your mining progress on their website.