How Many Hshare HSR Are Mined In A Day
Hshare (HSR) is up 62.45% in the last 30 days from $13.55 per coin. Its up 152.43% in the last 100 days since when traded at $8.72 and the annual trend is up. 200 days ago HSR traded at $0.00 (non existent). HSR has 42.33M coins mined giving it $931.67M market cap. Maximum coins available are 84.00M. HSR uses algorithm and PoW/PoS proof type.
It was started on. Hshare is a dual network blockchain comprised both of a blockchain-based network and a DAG-based network. It allows for anonymous transactions through the use of zero proof technology. Cryptonex CNX Mining Rates. The blockchain-based side of Hshare features a PoW/PoS cryptocurrency.
There have been 42.5M out of 84M Coins mined so far. 41.5M remain to mine. Hshare (HSR) has 53th the. Hshare (CURRENCY:HSR) traded down 12.3% against the U.S. Dollar during the 1 day period ending at 8:00 AM E.T. On February 1st. One Hshare coin can now be purchased.