How Many Dogecoin DOGE Are Mined Per Day
Estimated Expected Cryptocurrency Earnings The estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings are based on a statistical calculation using the values entered and do not account for difficulty and exchange rate fluctuations, stale/reject/orphan rates, and a pool's efficiency. If you are mining using a pool, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on the pool's efficiency, stale/reject/orphan rate, and fees. If you are mining solo, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on your luck and stale/reject/orphan rate.
Time Frame DOGE Coins BTC (DOGE/BTC at 0.00000052) USD (BTC at $8,457.90) Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.60741875 0.00000032 $0.00 $0.10 $0.00 ($0.10) Daily 1 0.00000758 $0.06 $2.40 $0.00 ($2.34) Weekly 10 0.00005306 $0.45 $16.80 $0.00 ($16.35) Monthly 42 0.00022742 $1.92 $72.00 $0. Decred DCR Mining Daily Profit. 00 ($70.08) Annually 539 0.00276691 $23.40 $876.00 $0.00 ($852.60).
Dec 17, 2013 - Rather then the next 25Billion coins mined over 70 days, we can keep miners around much longer by extending that period to 140 or 210 days, and also. The amount of doge in circulation (not lost that is) will max out even under this system, because I'd say at least about 0.5% are likely to be lost per year.
Estimated Expected Cryptocurrency Earnings The estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings are based on a statistical calculation using the values entered and do not account for difficulty and exchange rate fluctuations, stale/reject/orphan rates, and a pool's efficiency. If you are mining using a pool, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on the pool's efficiency, stale/reject/orphan rate, and fees. If you are mining solo, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on your luck and stale/reject/orphan rate. Time Frame DOGE Coins BTC (DOGE/BTC at 0.00000052) USD (BTC at $8,457.90) Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.60741875 0.00000032 $0.00 $0.10 $0.00 ($0.10) Daily 1 0.00000758 $0.06 $2.40 $0.00 ($2.34) Weekly 10 0.00005306 $0.45 $16.80 $0.00 ($16.35) Monthly 42 0.00022742 $1.92 $72.00 $0.00 ($70.08) Annually 539 0.00276691 $23.40 $876.00 $0.00 ($852.60).