BURST Mining Graph
Burst Mining - How to plot your drives using 'xplotter' If you are new to BURST, you will no doubt be looking to make your first plot files. This is a quick guide on how to plot using 'xplotter'. This is the plotter used in the AIO wallet but I'll be using it from the command line What are nonces and what is 'plotting'? Before you can use your hard drive space to mine BURST coins, you must prepare by 'plotting'. This will create a file (or files) on your hard drive which will contain 'nonces'.
You can think of nonces as lottery tickets. The more you have, the more chance that yours will be the winner of the block.
Stanley6443 pls how can u no when u are don plotting your driver and how can u see your burst after mining. How to stay profitable with BURST mining? February 7, 2015 Ron-Na. Some basics: 1. You can mine solo or in a pool The same result should come out over a long period.
Plotting can be done with your CPU or GPU but this guide will describe the process for CPU only using 'xplotter'. • A nonce is 256KB or 262,144 bytes. • Each nonce must be unique - you will not benefit from duplicate nonces • A plot file can take up a portion or all of your available hard drive space • There is little difference between a single plot file and multiple smaller plot files • Plot files can be moved from one drive to another • Plots can be mined efficiently whilst residing on SATA or USB 3.0 drives Choosing your hard drives The aim should be to buy as much space, for as little cost per TB. The lowest cost drives at the moment are SMR drives, typically named as ARCHIVE or BACKUP drives by Seagate and other manufacturers. These drives work well for mining but not for plotting - please see my other guide on plotting SMR drives efficiently: 8TB is a typical size that miners choose. For our purposes I will be using a USB 3.0 external 500GB drive - all my others are busy mining! A note on USB 3.0 external drives USB 3.0 ports are typically BLUE inside but not always, and sometimes BLUE ones will be connected internally to USB 2.0 ports.
In Windows 10, there is a quick way to check. First connect your external drive to a port that you believe to be USB 3.0 then do the following. • Press your windows key and start searching for 'SETTINGS' - after typing the first few letters, you can click the entry in the list. • Click on the Devices button • If your USB 3.0 capable drive is connected to USB 2.0, you will see the following (note, my 500GB is detected as UHD Video Pack): • Once you are connected to a USB 3.0 port, you will see the following: Next we want to make sure that 'quick-removal' is disabled as this sacrifices transfer speeds. • Press your windows key and start searching for 'DEVICE MANAGER' - after typing the first few letters, you can click the entry in the list. • Expand 'Disk Drives' and identify your drive in the list • Right click and go into 'properties' for that drive.
• Click on the 'Policies' tab • Ensure that 'Better performance' is selected - you may also be able to enable write caching if it is listed. • Sometimes a reboot will be required at this point Getting and configuring 'xplotter' Download here >>Once you have it downloaded, extract it to a location of your choosing - I'm going with C: xplotter Navigate to the folder - we are going to edit the batch file used to start the plotter. Using a batch file makes for easy edits later on without having to remember the command structure. Right click the file 'RunThisAsAdmin.bat' and click 'Edit' - the files should open in Notepad. The only line we are interested in is the one that starts with the XPlotter_avx.exe executable, which takes a number of parameters. We will look at each in depth. -id - This is your numerical ID that relates to your BURST wallet address.
Bitcoin BTC Mining With Laptop. If you use the BURST AIO wallet, from the dashboard click the 'More info' link on the GREEN account balance block to find your numerical ID. Note that your ID will be tagged onto the nonces written and mining (pool/solo) will be paid out only to this address - make sure it is correct! -sn - This is the number you would like the nonces to start. Each nonce must be uniquely numbered for your particular mining id so care needs to be taken not to overlap or duplicate these on any other existing or future plot files that you will use. -n - This is the number of nonces you want to plot in this file.
In many cases this will be the whole space available on your drive but doesn't have to be (see the section below on CALCULATING NUMBER OF NONCES) -t - The number of processing threads to be used to generate nonces. Typically this will be either the total number of threads that your processor has, or one less to increase system stability if required. You can find the number of threads that your CPU is cabable of by opening 'System Information' - hit your windows key and type 'msinfo'. Under 'System Summary' and 'Processor' you will see the number of 'logical processors'.
The maximum number of threads will equal this number. -path - This is where the plot file will be generated. The folder can be named whatever you like but it must exist before starting mining. If you intend mining from the AIO wallet, putting your plot files in burst plots on your drive will ensure that they are found in the wallet when you click 'start mining'. -mem - The amount of system memory you wish to allocate to the plotting process Calculating number of nonces As stated previously, a nonce is 256KB or 262,144 bytes.
It is therefore very easy to calculate the number of nonces needed to fill your hard drive. First go into 'This PC' in windows explorer and right click your drive to be plotted - click 'Properties' On the 'General' tab you will see 'Free Space' in bytes. Take this number and divide it by the size of a nonce. In my example, the calculation would be thus: 52 / 262144 = 1906765 when rounded DOWN to nearest whole number. You can also use my to instantly convert between bytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes and nonces. Plotting After saving your config file with your new values in there, right click the batch file and click 'Run as administrator' xplotter will generate the first set of nonces and progress will be shone on the YELLOW line.
Nonces/min is how many nonces your CPU can generate each minute, not necessarily how many will be written to your hard drive. When there are enough nonces ready to write to hard disk, you will see HDD: Writing scoops percentage increasing. If the line turns grey, it means that the CPU is waiting for the hard drive to catch up - during this time you are not generating new nonces and this will affect your total nonces/min. Processors with 16+ threads can sometimes be put to better use by running 2 instances of xplotter, plotting 2 different drives (not files on the same drive).
This way your processor can be working for more of the time by generating plots in closer sync to the drive writing speed. Be aware: depending on many aspects of your system and drive, plotting can take days. Success Your drive is plotted successfully and can be added to your miner. Here are a few things to note. • You can plot multiple drives at the same time on one CPU by using only certain cores/threads per process.
• You can plot one drive whilst mining from others, on the same system • You can copy plot files to other drives, even whilst using them to mine • SPACE is key - the more TB of nonces, the higher the chance of you getting lucky with a block. Stay tuned for my guide on mining and many more! Comments/suggestions/critique always welcome - please upvote if you like my content and want to see more!!
Some basics: 1. You can mine solo or in a pool The same result should come out over a long period of time. However, luck is also included, because if you are unlucky and never find a block you will never get paid. The pool has more miners and it is more likely that one of them is lucky and finds a new block. The reward will be shared to the pool participants. There is a small pool fee for operating the pool, which can be ignored. Mining does not come free You need a running computer, you need electricity for the computer and the hard disks and you need Internet.
Each cost a certain amount. Burst mining has the advantage, that a standard computer (or just your desktop) can be used.
The hard disks are cheap and the extension of a mining set is just adding new hard disks and USB-3.0 hubs. How do we calculate the profitability? What size of hard disk space did you offer for Burst mining? Go to and key in your Total Plot Size in GB/TB or PB The Mining Calulator will tell you what you can expect per day That amount you put into the Price Calculator at the right and you will learn your daily income in Euro or US$.
A computer uses about 200 W (if you are just mining). During your working time the desktop is already used and you do not need to calculate the power consumption during this time for the computer. A hard disk uses power rated by 7 W, whereby this would be if the hard disk is permanently used.
Since during Burst mining you are only using the hard disk for reading and only for a short time, we can save calculate with 3 W per hard disk. If you use your computer 10 hours for working anyway and keep it running 24 hours, then your power consumption for mining would be: Computer:24-10 = 14 hours 14h x 0.2kW = 2.8kWh with 0.1 US$/kWh, this would give you a power bill of 0.28 US$ Harddisk: 24 hours 24h x 0.003kW = 0.072kWh with 0.1 US$/kWh, this would give you a power bill of 0.0072 US$ hardly noticeable!!! My HOME example: I got 8 hard disks, each 3 or 4 TB, total about 27 TB hard disk space At this writing, it brings about 2.82 US$/day. My computer is running 24 hours anyway, since it is also a server. The power bill for the hard disk is less than 0.06 US$/day, so I can safe say, I make 2.75 US$ per day. I use this earnings to increase the hard disk space and so earn next months more and more.
It takes about 5 days to plot a 4 TB hard disk, therefore my goal is to increase each week one or two 4 TB hard disks. A side benefit: The hard disks are only plotted (written) once. If for any reason Burst mining becomes not profitable anymore, then I still can use the hard disks for storage.
I see therefore the investments in the hard disks as investments into the future. If you like the post, share it with your friends and social media (just click the social media buttons at the left side.) If you find this article worthy then share some Bitcoins with me: 1PXWTtyAZ5zjrV1PuGGzrZJoJqeZS34g7d.