Build Your Own BridgeCoin BCO Miner Rating: 3,7/5 3469reviews

In this E-Book, I am going to share my project in creating a Bitcoin mining cluster, which I started in June 2011. I will try to include everything from beginning to the end with as much detail as possible. Most of this project was trial and error, so I will do my best to note each step of the way with all the pros and cons. I would beleive this to the most complete guide currently available for helping people understand the basics of Bitcoin mining, and actually being able to delve into it as well. Please keep in mind that my Bitcoin operation is completely handled under Linux operating systems, however I do have a few Windows based Bitcoin miners so I will provide notes, guides, and best practices for that OS as well.

Build Your Own BridgeCoin BCO Miner

Also note that many of the references that I make in this E-Book are in regard to my person Bitcoin mining rigs. This guide has been featured on:,,,,, and more. If you do not know what Bitcoin is, I highly suggest you read up on the following sites: • • • • Here are pictures of a few of my rigs: 10 steps to implement and deploy your Bitcoin Mining Rigs Below are the 10 steps to getting your bitcoin mining rigs running. Hopefully, I will be able to answer all your questions later in this E-Book.

There are plenty of resources out there, do some googling: “How to build your own computer”. Keeps all your bitcoin miner workers and pools centralized.

Setup bitcoin mining pool accounts Assuming you are not solo mining, you will need to create account with 1 or more bitcoin mining pools. Discussed in section 12. Find a location for your bitcoin miners You will need to find a good place that you can keep your bitcoin mining rigs. Somewhere they will not be bothered. Litecoin LTC Mining Explained For Dummies more. No kids, pets, weather, or other interferences. Ensure location quality / resources (Internet, power, cooling) You will need to ensure that wherever you keep you bitcoin mining rigs you have: An internet connection, enough power, and a suitable operating temperature with enough airflow. Discussed in section 6, 7, and 8.

Asses your budget Determine how much money you have, and want to invest in bitcoin miners. Weigh the profit, loss, and risks. Discussed in section 2, and 3.

Decide on hardware and purchase hardware You will need to select and purchase the best hardware according to your budget. All this is explained in section 4. Build, configure, and test bitcoin rigs You will need to be capable of building these machines from scratch.

Without the knowledge of building computers, it is going to be difficult to be successful in running your own bitcoin mining rig. You must know the ins and outs of these beasts. Also discussed in section 4. Obtain and implement software and scripts There are many options to choose from. Will you be using Windows, or Linux? What kind of Bitcoin mining software will you choose? Will you decide to automate your bitcoin mining rigs?

The questions will never end. Learn more in section 11. Setup bitcoin proxy Now that you have everything setup, you could centralize everything using a bitcoin proxy. This will always keep your login information the same, and allow you to manage mining pools and workers very easily. Discussed in section 13. Deploy Finally, deploy your bitcoin miners, and start generating bitcoins! Overclock When everything is running smoothly, get even more performance out of your GPUs by overclocking them.

Discussed in section 9. Here are the primary things we will cover in this E-Book: I apologize for the order of these items, as you may need to jump around through sections to reference terms, and explanations. I did not think I would be elaborating this much. What is Bitcoin mining?

• 1.1 • 1.2 • 1.3 • 1.4 • 1.5 • 1.6 • 1.7 • 1.8 Investment • 2.1 • 2.2 • 2.3 Return on Investment (ROI) • 3.1 • 3.2 • 3.3 • 3.4 Hardware • 4.1 • 4.2 • 4.3 • 4.4 GPU Mining • 5.1 • 5.2 • 5.3 • 5.4 • 5.5 Networking • 6.1 • 6.2 • 6.3 Cooling • 7.1 • 7.2 • 7.3 • 7.4 • 7.5 • 7.6 Power • 8.1 • 8.2 • 8.3 Overclocking • 9.1 • 9.2 • 9.3 Managing • 10.1 • 10.2 • 10.3 Software • 11.1 • 11.2 • 11.3 • 11.4 • 11.5 Bitcoin mining Pools • 12.1 • 12.2 • 12.3 • 12.4 Bitcoin Proxy • 13.1 • 13.2 If you like this guide or found it useful, please consider donating!