Komodo KMD Mining Fee Calculator
Komodo mining pool is a mining pool for mining Komodo (KMD), the first komodo pool and best on web. On komodominingpool.com you can mine with your CPUs and GPUs.
Komodo mining pool is a mining pool for mining Komodo (KMD), the first komodo pool and best on web. On komodominingpool.com you can mine with your CPUs and GPUs.
The cloud mining service Genesis Mining has added options for its users to mine alternative SHA-256 based crypto coins besides Bitcoin with the purchased hashrate. This is probably the first and only one to offer such service for cloud mining contracts for SHA-256 hashrate, just like they also did with the Scrypt cloud mining hashrate and the option for mining alternative coins and not only LTC. The new SHA-256 coin that you can choose to is currently Unobtanium (UNO), or you can choose to have your most profitable coins mined and automatically exchanged for BitcoinDark (BTCD), DarkCoin (DRK) or Litecoin (LTC). Genesis Mining has been out of stock for their Scrypt cloud mining hashrate for a while, so currently you can only purchase SHA-256 cloud hashrate and the ability to mine only UNO or BTCD or to share your hashrate between these is interesting, and hopefully we are going to see some other coins available soon. Regarding Scrypt hashrate, since the hardware supplier for the hashrate was ZeusMiner and with regards to the company recently cancelling their plans for next generation chips probably the service will have to find another hardware supplier before offering more hashrate to customers. So for the moment Genesis Mining is only offering SHA-256 cloud mining hashrate that is no longer limited for mining Bitcoins and there should be no problems with availability since the supplier for the hardware here is Spondoolies Tech.
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The people behind the development of have tweeted an interesting, but very brief post about an upcoming release of a dedicated ASIC mining hardware intended for mining the SiaCoin tokens. The Obelisk SC1 is supposed to be the first ASIC built for Sia mining according to the official tweet from Sia Tech (@SiaTechHQ). There are no more details revealed at this point, though more information should be made available by the end of the week. SiaCoin has been getting more attention lately and the price of the crypto tokens has been rising, though releasing a mining ASIC for a token that is intended to be used for renting and leasing file storage is an interesting decision. Having a dedicated NAS device tied to SiaCoin like the makes much more sense for a service like that.
Go to and click the 'test start' button. If you have Java installed the miner should launch.